Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Sound of Silence

Boy, I’ve been silent lately.

I could blame it on a busy life with my upcoming move, a 7 month old, a business trip and other things life has thrown at me, but that just isn’t the truth.

So, I’m standing in my truth.

The thoughts in my head have been swirling around and around with so many business ideas there just hasn’t been enough space to explain what is going on!

Too many ideas isn’t necessarily a good thing – especially when I think they are all really great ideas (I know I’m biased :)

In times like this I tend to do nothing while I wait for my mind to sort things out and send me on a vector or direction for you non-pilot types.

In times like this I really seek out inspiration from others since I can't always rely on my wisdom alone.

Maybe you’ve experienced times like these when your mind just doesn’t quit thinking. Do you tend to withdraw from the world like I do? Maybe these inspirational quotes will speak to you like they did to me.

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." William Jennings Bryan

“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” Eleanor Roosevelt

“Everything changed in her life the day she realized she had enough time for all the important things.” Brian Andres

Maybe you’ve experienced times like these when your mind just doesn’t quit thinking. Do you tend to withdraw from the world like I do? 

How do you deal with the times in your life when your mind is too busy to function? I’d love for you to share your story with us below!

Here’s wishing you Passion. Adventure. Business.
Kaly Marie


  1. Just because you have a lot of ideas doesn't mean you cant do them all. Just attack them one at a time to not get overwhelmed. Anxiety can kill a dream, but a smart approach can fertilize a garden.

  2. Thanks for the wonderful words of encouragement, Curtis! I love your message...one thing at a time, but my possibilities are limitless.

    For everyone out there, Curtis writes fantastic daily words of encouragement. You can find his writing on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=11214942&fref=ts or on his brand new website inspiretour.org!
