Thursday, February 27, 2014

ALL or NOTHING...Seriously?!

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I want to be a successful entrepreneur. But, I’m not in a financial situation to quit my job and launch my business from scratch. I mean, I have a six month old and four parrots to take care of!! Let’s be serious now, the cost of organic parrot food can add up quickly :)

Does it really make me less serious about the endeavor if I’m not going to be a “struggling artist”? Why can’t I spend my free waking and oftentimes dreaming hours on the business? Will it be enough? Can I make it all work?

Ugh! The wise voice in my said says, “TAKE IT EASY. BE KIND TO YOURSELF. You will have everything you need.

Why does it have to be all or nothing?

If you have a fantastic idea for a business, why not start small? Take baby steps to see if your idea can be profitable. I don’t think many of us have the financial cushion to quit everything and jump right in. After some time of developing your business you can take stock of what you’ve been doing. Do you even enjoy it? Does it still feel like work? Maybe yes, but MAYBE you’ve hit the JACKPOT and love every moment you spend on your business. Then, you can spend the time to grow your business into something profitable that excites your passion and provides an extra oomph of adventure in your life!

Passion. Adventure. Business.
Kaly Marie

PS: My childhood friend, Cora Poage, just posted these wise words today:

I hear this A LOT...Many Entrepreneurs who are in the "Business Building" stage of their process, see having or needing part time jobs to create other income streams as settling or even Failing. Let those Judgements and Limiting Beliefs go!! At one point on my Journey, just 3 years ago actually, I was working FOUR other jobs (restaurant hostess, nursery school teacher, personal trainer, etc), in ADDITION to building my Coaching Practice. And because my base income needs were being met, I could build a business, not out of Urgency, Fear, or Lack, but one from Overflow, Love, Soul Centered Purpose. SO worth it...xoxoCC PS. Not necessarily recommending FOUR other jobs…lol

Coincidence? I think not!!

You can follow Cora at her amazing website :)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

DIVE IN - The Water's Great!!

Friends often ask me, how do I start? 

The easiest answer is also the hardest. You decide to start. You DIVE RIGHT IN! Not tomorrow, not when you have this or that, but right now! No more excuses!

I’ve known for a long time that I should start my own business. I’ve also rebelled from the idea for very personal reasons. My father owned his own business during a large part of my formative years and – while successful - I remember the impact of never knowing when the next paycheck would come. 

I like having a stable salary and the carrot of a military retirement for the rest of my life starting in only 9 years. 

But, I can’t continue to live an unfulfilled life! My heart, the very fiber of my being, is protesting against the thought of leaving my son each day and working only for a job that I don’t love. Even worse, I get to see people at work who love what they do. They love it and it shows in everything they do! It’s not the job that’s unlovable by any means, it’s just not aligned with my passions.

I’m going to start a business that maximizes my strengths and is aligned with my passion right now – I don’t want to “work” another day of my life!

Who’s with me?!

What’s been holding you back from starting your own business and following your dreams? Share with me in the comments below :)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Relax - We're ALL Crazy

People are going to think I’m crazy! I know this for a fact.

I have a six month old baby, my personal life is ripping open at the seams, I’m about to move across the county with said baby and four parrots to start a very high powered job at the Pentagon and…I’m going to start my own business!

I’m thrilled! So excited! Not worried at all (well maybe a little).

I’ve committed to dropping $2K of money I know I should be saving on Marie Forleo’s B School even though I already have an MBA and a Masters in Strategic Public Relations from George Washington University. Yes, again, crazy. Shouldn’t I know everything by now?

But, I truly feel called to do it. I’m at peace with the challenge of it all.
I was just inspired by one of Marie’s videos in which she was featured on Oprah’s Soul Series. I’m paraphrasing now, but Oprah said fear comes when you rely only on yourself rather than the awesome power of God. He’s got big plans for me… I know it!

Are you thinking of starting your own business too?  Would you like some companionship, support, and maybe even friendship along the way? A wise man once said, never worry alone. So, I plan on sharing my inspiration, successes, and hiccups along the way. It is also totally acceptable if you just want to follow my crazy, scary journey leap into the unknown. I totally understand the humor in my undertaking…and I promise there will be pictures selfies and video of the journey along the way. (Just try to imagine me, baby, four parrots, and my stuff crammed into my used, but new for me, Nissan Murano)

Out with the old, in with the new – business that is! HeHe. Who’s with me? I’d love to see your comments below :)

XOXO Kaly Marie