Thursday, February 27, 2014

ALL or NOTHING...Seriously?!

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. I want to be a successful entrepreneur. But, I’m not in a financial situation to quit my job and launch my business from scratch. I mean, I have a six month old and four parrots to take care of!! Let’s be serious now, the cost of organic parrot food can add up quickly :)

Does it really make me less serious about the endeavor if I’m not going to be a “struggling artist”? Why can’t I spend my free waking and oftentimes dreaming hours on the business? Will it be enough? Can I make it all work?

Ugh! The wise voice in my said says, “TAKE IT EASY. BE KIND TO YOURSELF. You will have everything you need.

Why does it have to be all or nothing?

If you have a fantastic idea for a business, why not start small? Take baby steps to see if your idea can be profitable. I don’t think many of us have the financial cushion to quit everything and jump right in. After some time of developing your business you can take stock of what you’ve been doing. Do you even enjoy it? Does it still feel like work? Maybe yes, but MAYBE you’ve hit the JACKPOT and love every moment you spend on your business. Then, you can spend the time to grow your business into something profitable that excites your passion and provides an extra oomph of adventure in your life!

Passion. Adventure. Business.
Kaly Marie

PS: My childhood friend, Cora Poage, just posted these wise words today:

I hear this A LOT...Many Entrepreneurs who are in the "Business Building" stage of their process, see having or needing part time jobs to create other income streams as settling or even Failing. Let those Judgements and Limiting Beliefs go!! At one point on my Journey, just 3 years ago actually, I was working FOUR other jobs (restaurant hostess, nursery school teacher, personal trainer, etc), in ADDITION to building my Coaching Practice. And because my base income needs were being met, I could build a business, not out of Urgency, Fear, or Lack, but one from Overflow, Love, Soul Centered Purpose. SO worth it...xoxoCC PS. Not necessarily recommending FOUR other jobs…lol

Coincidence? I think not!!

You can follow Cora at her amazing website :)

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